It is with my deepest regret that we must cancel the Antiracism Tools for Teachers Conference as planned for August 9th to August 13th. Please read our open letter.
Why is the Conference Cancelled?
We have been planning, advertising and coordinating full-time for 3 months on the conference. But, with only 1 week left before our scheduled start to The Antiracism Tools for Teachers Conference, we had to take a hard look at our attendance numbers. Unfortunately, registration has been low, and even with 1 week left, it’s not enough to reach our minimum attendance requirement to fulfill the goal of the conference and compensate our amazing workshop presenters fairly.
What Happened?
We recognize that our timeline from idea to execution was very short, and that we should have given ourselves longer by either scheduling the conference for the fall of 2021 or the summer of 2022.
We also learned that calling the conference, “Antiracism Tools for Teachers”, meant that the Facebook algorithm would reject all of our Facebook and Instagram ads because the word “antiracism” triggers the algorithm and classify the ads as a “political campaign”. Despite trying to readjust by advertising on LinkedIn, asking Instagram Influencers to share the event, and emailing school boards directly, it just did not reach a wide enough audience.
Will Attendees Be Refunded?
Yes. All attendees have already been refunded.
What Are Our Next Steps?
We are mulling over a back-up plan to turn the Conference workshops into a workshop series over the 2021-2022 school year. But, turning the conference into a workshop series will depend on each individual presenter’s willingness to continue their partnership
We appreciate all of the support and participation that the Antiracism Tools for Teachers Conference has received throughout this experience. We want to thank all the amazing workshop presenters and panelists who offered their time expertise.
Julie Kratz, Neha Sobti, The Antiracism Academy, Leroy Hibbert, Kayren Gray, Shaun Wanzo, The Anti-Racist Art Teachers, Daniela, and Thuraya of Decolonize The Classroom, as well as Shaf Choudhury, TJ Juttla, and @Dr. Salma Waly.
Xenolearn Founder and Director
Do you want to make a difference in your classroom, but don’t know where to start? Are you “doing the work”of educating yourself, but don’t know how to translate it to the classroom? Do you struggle to find antiracist lesson plans or teaching guides?
The Antiracism Tools For Teachers Conference is a series of workshops by DEI, antiracism and education professionals. Join any of the 10 workshops we’re offering to learn useful and practical tools to foster an antiracist classroom.
You’ll start the school year prepared with new tools, skills and resources. Start this school year off on the right foot feeling empowered, capable and confident!
Learn from the experiences and expertise of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) trainers, Antiracism educators and education professionals!
Our workshops are designed to equip teachers and educators with resources like lesson plans, teaching guides, handouts, printable posters, PowerPoint presentations, and more.
Start the new school year prepared with the tools and techniques you need to foster antiracist classrooms that value diversity, equity and inclusion.
The conference will kick off on Monday, August 9th, at 4:30pm! All workshop attendees, no matter what pass they purchase, is welcome to join us for a livestream as we start the conference with an inspirational speech by our soon-to-be announced Keynote speaker!
We will also hold the draw for 5 diverse library book collections, graciously donated by our Sponsor, The Leaders Readers Network! Purchase a Conference Pass and your name will be added to the draw for this inclusive prize!
Our livestream will be a joyous celebration to help us foster antiracist schools and more inclusive futures! See you there!
Presenter: Julie Kratz (Inclusive Leadership Trainer and Author of the Storybook Little Allies)
In this highly collaborative session, inclusive leadership speaker and trainer Julie Kratz will share stories, ideas, and research from her new children’s book, Little Allies. We’ll discuss the importance and impact of having conversations about diversity, inclusion, and allyship earlier with the children in our lives. Julie wrote this book in response to difficult conversations about racism at home with her own daughters. Little Allies and this session are meant to be a resource to help parents and people leaders everywhere guide little ones along this journey towards allyship.
Date & Time: Tuesday, August 10th, at 1:30pm (EST)
Resource: Worksheets
Presenter: Neha Sobti (Educator and Transformative Justice Advocate)
Come create the Math classroom we all needed in our youth!
This workshop for educators of all types will sharpen your anti-racist lens and engage you in anti-racist practices for the Math Classroom. It’s an introduction to what an anti-racist Math classroom could look and feel like. We will racialize what it means to be a “mathematician” and explore ways dominant Math curriculum and pedagogy cause harm to BIPoC students. Grounded in a shared understanding of anti-racist values, we will explore ways to adopt a culturally sustaining approach to Mathematics. The goal is to leave the session inspired, dreaming and ready to start engaging in anti-racist work with the Math geniuses in your community.
Date & Time: Tuesday, August 10th, at 3pm (EST)
Resource: Handouts.
Presenters: Tanishia Johnson, Kilolo Moyo-White and Mary Beth Elko of The Antiracism Academy Team.
“Not racist” is not enough. We have to actively create antiracist spaces for a more equitable world.
This workshop will take participants through a process of exploring the question: What is antiracist teaching? We will use mindfulness exercises, video, discussion, and self-reflection to examine examples of racist mistakes teachers have made and explore tools for what antiracist teaching looks like and sounds like. Participants will leave with a developed understanding of what antiracist teaching is and how it can transform their teaching practice.
Date & Time: Tuesday, August 10th, at 4:30pm (EST)
Resource: Checklists and Curriculum Examples.
Presenter: Leroy Hibbert
We will explore how culture, race and racism intersect in ways that influences the lives of individuals and communities. During this conversation participants will gain insight into the complexities of race, racism, cultural misconceptions, microaggressions, and unconscious proclivities. Through this reflective discussion, attendees will be provided with practical tools that can serve as a catalyst for building healthy cross-cultural and racial relationships.
Date & Time: Wednesday, August 11th, at 1:30pm (EST)
Resource: Curated list of resources
Presenter: Kayren Gray (Consultant, Barrier Breaker, Author of “The Road to Equity”)
To set all students up for success, leaders must begin a conversation to celebrate and recognize diversity, nurture a culture of inclusion, and understand equity in education. In this conversation, participants will self-identify their individual role in implementing cultural change and learn the Five C’s to Construct an Equitable Classroom, Campus, and Community. Embark on the journey to understand the importance of DE&I in our schools – creating access and opportunity to set each student up for success.
Join us to break barriers and set your classroom up for success as we identify, implement, and inspire real change to create more inclusive, and equitable spaces for all students to thrive. Be a Barrier Breaker on #theroadtoequity.
Date & Time: Wednesday, August 11th, at 3pm (EST)
Resource: Worksheets
Presenter: Shaun Wanzo (DEI Consultant and Trainer)
The goal is to inform administrators and teachers about the attrocities that have been perpetuated against the BIPOC community, Jews, and other historically marginalized groups. (This also includes certain immigrant populations who were told they had to earn their whiteness. However, this shall be done without diminishing the experience of Blacks, Latinx, Asians and other POC.) The workshop will emphasize how this form of education educate about the amount of oppression that has been levied at each ethnic group but it will also help minds to connect the dots of how micro our differences really are. The goal is to help adults help future generations understand the division that keeps us from improving the human race.
Date & Time: Thursday, august 11th, at 4:30pm (EST)
Resource: Handouts
Presenter: Paula Liz (Art Teacher and Founder of The Anti-Racist Art Teachers)
The purpose of this session is to give art educators real life examples of what ABAR (Anti-Bias, Anti-Racist) curriculum and instruction looks like within the art classroom.
Resources provided include an ABAR workbook to help guide educators towards removing biases, stereotypes, and false narratives in their art curriculum and instruction. Participants will also be provided with a list of relevant artists, books, articles, and resources they can use when developing an ABAR curriculum. As well as examples of PreK-12 lesson ideas that engage students in critical conversations about voice, power, bias, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the art room.
Date & Time: Thursday, August 12th, at 1:30pm (EST)
Resource: Workbook
Presenter: Daniela Guerrero-Rodriguez
We are all amazingly unique and (judging from you reading about this workshop) interested in creating change in our communities. How we understand change and our opportunities to create it are also unique to us.
In this workshop we will look at:
– Our identities and how they inform our experiences so that we understand the framework for the way we engage in society
– Intersectionality and how this helps us identify where we hold privilege and power so that we can create change in a sustainable way
– The development of capitalism and the concept of power in our society so that we understand our relationships better
– Alternative economies and relationships so that we can begin to design the change we want to see in our communities
Date & Time: Thursday, August 12th at 3pm (EST)
Resource: Worksheets
Presenter: Claire Leunissen (Xenolearn Founder and Director)
Critical Race Tree: Visualizing Systemic Racism is a workshop that will equip educators with 4 new visualization exercises. We’ll begin by understanding our own identities and experiences, and how they intersect with one another. Then, we’ll examine the consequences of racism in our own schools/contexts, and work backwards to identify the racist ideologies, policies and actions in the past that caused them. We’ll conclude with an exercise to help us brainstorm solutions and actions that can lead us to racial equity across cultural-ethno-racial groups in our schools.
Date & Time: Thursday August 12th, at 4:30pm (EST)
Resource: Teaching Guide
Presenter: Thuraya Zeidan (Educator)
The purpose of this presentation is to provide educators with lessons and strategies in order to incorporate multicultural learning in their classroom. It is not sufficient for educators to simply “throw in” a lesson that appears to have diverse characters, without being sure first that the text is authentic. Our students deserve to be, and should be, part of the learning process. This includes Black, Indigenous, People of Color, people with disabilities, refugees, immigrants, people who identify with LGBTQA+ and any other people who are marginalized and underrepresented in school curricula.
Teachers will learn why it is crucial to include all students in the learning process, marginalized students in particular, and on the consequences of not including marginalized students. We will discuss lesson plan samples, and teachers will have an opportunity to begin creating some of their own lesson plans.
Date & Time: Friday, August 13th, at 1:30pm (EST)
Resource: Handouts
Get more out of the conference by networking with other antiracist educators!
Build connections with fellow teachers, swap tips and tricks learned throughout the workshops, and find accountability partners to help you practice these tools over the 2021-2022 school year.
The networking will be hosted by friend of Xenolearn, Eniko Toth, and the software will randomly partner you with another teacher at the networking event.
The networking event is free for all Conference participants, no matter their pass type! However, registration is required. A link will be sent to all workshop attendees.
Date & Time: Friday, August 13th, at 3pm (EST)
Join us for our livestream as we record an episode of The Xenolearn Podcast!
With our special guests, we’ll answer the question: If you could teach the next generation how to make the world safer for human differences, what would it be.
Listen as we discuss the lessons learned from the week and how to apply them in the classroom and make schools safer for students with visible and invisible differences, too.
We’ll take questions from the audience at the end of our discussion. So tune in to our livestream so that you can ask questions in the chat and have your queries answered by our DEI experts and antiracism guests!
This livestream is free for all Conference participants, no matter their pass type! A link will be sent to all workshop attendees.
Date & Time: Friday, August 3th, at 4:30pm (EST).
We’ll all been to conferences that inspire and energize us in the moment… But then what? What kind of long-term changes can we make beyond a week-long conference?
The Antiracism Tools for Teachers Conference has thought of a solution. Join us for our Focus Groups in October! to prepared a series of Focus Groups
For only an extra $24.99, you can join our Focus Groups to practice incorporating Antiracism beyond the Conference! Xenolearn Facilitators will ask Focus Group participants questions, guide the conversation, and provide support to teachers that are struggling to incorporate Antiracism into their classrooms.
See You Again at our Focus Groups in October!
Xenolearn is a virtual learning hub for diversity, equity and inclusion. From fear to understanding, Xenolearn’s mission is to make the world safer for human differences. We are a nonprofit educational company that offers resources, a podcast, book clubs and classes. Everyone can learn about diversity, equity and inclusion at Xenolearn, and how to put them into practice.
Our services are designed to appeal to the different learning styles: visual (Learning Hub), auditory (The Xenolearn Podcast), reading/writing (Book Club), and kinesthetic (Courses).